Sunday, November 9, 2008

Final Submission Model

Some of the main aspects I wanted to incorporate in my design included:
- To make a more inviting entrance, making the act of entering the site interesting. To do this I played with the concept of threshold. By framing the entrance way between the two adjacent buildings and enclosing the space when parsing through it you move from a small framed view of part of the site to a large space where the entire site opens up. The use of compression here helps to emphasise this point on entering the space.

- I also wanted to create a space that was easy to navigate around as this is a community centre spaces and activities should be easily accessible. To do this I used different wall thicknesses and placements to push and pull the occupants around the space.

- In terms of the outside of the building I focused on the concept of recoprocity. This idea focuses on the relationship between architecture and the surrounding landscape. I didn't want it to feel as though there was a definite back and front to the building. I just wanted to create a sense of openness toward the site. To do this
I used a glass facade that looked out onto the oval. The north elevation opens up to the playground in a way pulling these elements of the building into the landscape resulting in the playground not being viewed as a separate part, it now becomes involved in the program.

- The west elevation steps back at certain intervals to pull people toward the entrance and into the site.

- The retaining wall then continues to pull people toward the grandstand with its curving shape allowing the existing grandstand to be incorporated into the design.

Overall I wanted to produce a building that complemented the already existing grandstand and to use ideas of engaging with the surroundings and becoming part of the urban context while also facilitating connections between certain objects.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Final Subnission

The Ground level includes, in the main building, the foyer
which leads into the main gym hall with adjacent toilets and
change rooms and gym storage and kitchen. The cafe with
kitchen and then long corridor which leads to the two multi

purpose rooms and door leading to the playground.

The ground level also features the workshop and garage in one
building situated near the park, while the administration building
is situated near the grandstand.

Level one incorporates the second gym with change rooms
and toilets. Also the third multi purpose room, a general
storage area and audio tech room.

Wall section going through main and upper gym wall.

of the upper level gym hall.

Perspective of corridor leading from the gym to cafe area.

These two images helped in the site analysis, depicting
the fluid nature of the landscape and the overlapping and
in a sense the juxtaposition of the street scape.

This mapping image illustrates the abstraction of elements

from the site, and then using them in a conceptual way to
help in developing design ideas.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Exercise 3 - Draft Final Submission

East Elevation and Section

Model Images

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Exercise 2 - Submission


East Elevation

Cross Section

Cross Section

Exercise 2 - Interesting examples of cross sections

Section 1 : SYNTAX by Shin Takamatsu, Kyoto

Section 2: Rudolph House, New York

Section 3: Ugalde House, Barcelona

Thursday, August 21, 2008

1st Conceptual Model


Conceptual Mapping Image

Illustrated Tracing Images